- Casas Nicaragua - Casas Nicaragua


ID: #1735
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  1. eden acevedo dice:

    buenas noches por donde es esta finca excatamente yo conosco basante bien la zona

  2. Ramiro Rocha dice:

    melise espero pronto su respuesta

  3. Dennis Madriz dice:

    Me gustaria saber si todavia sus propiedades siguen de venta, ademas me gustaria saber si es solamente de un dueno las dos propiedades o me gustaria saber su estado legal , y lo ultimo me gustaria saber cual seria su ultima oferta si su precio es negociable.
    Grasias esperando su respuesta.
    Su servidor.
    Dennis Madriz

    • Melissa dice:

      Quizás usted hablas Inglés? Mi Español es no muy bueno.
      Yes, my husband and I own both properties, free and clear. We have done title searches that extend back more than 40 years, the land is legally ours. We are the only owners of these two fincas, which share one common border.
      Yes, $1500 per mz is our lowest price. The land is valuable and we have built over $30,000 worth of additional improvements to the land, including outbuildings, barn, large pila w/ rain water collection roof, extensive piping for water and power, and a third well is partially dug.
      Melissa Goldsberry
      505-8-367-8252 (Claro)
      [email protected]

      • Ramiro Rocha dice:

        hi melissa, i iwould like to know if you sold your farm, i want to buy the small one, if you can to write me to my email will be good, i hope your anwer. Thnks.

  4. samuel dice:

    se fue muy alto si se baja le puedo hacer un tiro ,

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